

Those pupils who effectively demonstrate our STAR values and behaviours and play an integral and positive role in the Academy community will have the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills by becoming an Academy Leader. Such pupils are expected to embody our mission of educational excellence, character development and service to communities through a commitment to excelling in their studies and helping others in their spare time, conducting themselves with integrity and being respectful to everyone they encounter. They will be willing to go the extra mile in terms of helping staff and supporting their fellow pupils, and behave impeccably both in and outside of the Academy.
School Council

We have an active School Council who have been involved in various initiatives such as fundraising for the school, local charities, Children in Need, Comic and Sport Relief. The School Council has had valuable input into our lunchtime provision and has been involved in environmental initiatives looking at improving our local area, community and ever-changing school environment. They have liaised extensively with our contractors during recent building work to express what they would like their new school environment to look like and the facilities they would like to have. They continue to gather information and opinions through questionnaires and discussions that have had a positive impact on school life.

Each year, the children elect a girl and a boy from each class in Year 1-6 to represent them. The School Council meets fortnightly and the elected members take suggestions from their classes to the meetings. They will then feedback to their class after the meetings. Brief minutes are also taken.

At their first meeting, the School Council are introduced to new vocabulary commonly used in meetings such as ‘opinion, elect, agenda, propose and Chairperson’. They also agree to abide by the School Council Ground Rules.

The School Council provides a democratic forum where pupils can address Academy-related issues that affect their lives, ensuring open lines of communication between pupils and Academy staff.

To be effective, the School Council must:

  • Represent all pupils and include as many people as possible
  • Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views
  • Provide feedback to pupils about how their views will be addressed
  • Make things happen – or explain why they can’t

In doing so, pupils develop an understanding of the importance of freedom of speech and democracy, learning how to effect change in a constructive way. They develop a greater understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and are able to address and debate issues of concern with staff. Elected by their peers, the School Council gives all pupils a much-needed “voice,” ensuring that they become partners in their own education and are given a say in terms of how they learn and achieve.

House Captains

The Academy operates a House System. There are 4 Houses in total. During the last half term of the academic year, 2 House Captains (1 girl and 1 boy) from Year 5 will be selected by the members of each house to act as their representatives for the forthcoming year. These pupils have specific duties to carry out, including:

  • The collection and counting of reward cards on a weekly basis
  • The distribution and collection of reward cards
  • Representing their houses at school events
  • Meeting with the Principals for discussions as required
  • Assisting the Inclusion Mentor with the planning and implementation of reward incentives

House Captains require a responsible attitude to school life. They act as ambassadors for the Academy and are excellent role models and leaders. Their behaviour, conduct, appearance and attitude to work is of an exemplary standard at all times, and their attendance and punctuality is excellent.

House Captains have positive relationships with both pupils and staff, acting as role models to their peers, whilst also supporting staff in the commission of their duties.

Classroom Monitors

Classroom monitors carry out various roles of responsibility, including tidying classrooms, putting books away, sharpening pencils, and ad-hoc administrative duties, such as taking the attendance and dinner register, distributing letters and paperwork to their peers etc. By ensuring that the classroom environment is always conducive to learning, classroom monitors develop leadership skills such as responsibility, organisation and teamwork.

Playground Friends

If someone looks sad or lonely during break or lunchtimes, our Playground Friends are on hand to offer some support and ensure that no one is left on their own or feeling alienated. Our Playground Friends promote positive play and encourage an inclusive environment, helping to resolve minor disagreements and combat any instances of teasing or bullying.